Monday, May 13, 2013

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Use the link Here to generate traffic and earn money 0.5$ for every unique visitor that clicks  link.

Good places to start posting your link are social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, forums, chat rooms, blogs, etc.
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Friday, February 15, 2013

Online Earning Tutor: List of Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites - Earn Extra Money

Online Earning Tutor: List of Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites - Earn Extra Money


Monday, October 19, 2009

Alternative earn from Google Adsense

If you use google adsense or any othe ad program to earn money from your websit now yu can increase the amount of revenue you make automatically.

MOST ONLINE AD PRograms, including google will sometime show default ads or public service announcements PSAs when they no paying ads to show. Just use the code we provide to replace primary ad program's defaukt ads. Alternate URL lets you replace those ads with paying ads.

Just use the code we provide to replace your ad program's default ads.
for use goole fast click and many other ad programs. Or you canuse alternate URL as your primary ad program.

1. Register your free account
2. Create your alternative URL code which show your ad in your website the code instructed

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Make money ads by ER exchange

No spy ware. No gimmicks. Absolutely FREE.  

No Tracking. You remain completely anonymous

Your income arena

The Bar Bar Logo ER Icon Search Classifieds My Money My Crowd


The only value to an advertiser is the audience. Now share that value

What the Bar is

Absolutely FREE. The Bar is a unique toolbar that lets you make money wherever, whenever you choose. The difference between the Bar and other toolbars… MONEY. The Bar is a private communication channel between members and advertisers through the Ads by ER Exchange. Members remain completely anonymous and their personal ID is never shared.

The process is simple. Visit a web page, click the ER icon to display ads, interact with ads that interest you and make money. That's it. The Bar provides 'advertising on demand'. The world's most exact advertising is the most cost effective for advertisers and the most beneficial for internet users.

To review 

:-register and download The Bar

when you choose to see ads click the ER icon

interact with the ads and make money

share The Bar with your friends and make money when they make money for 7 invite levels

What the Bar is not

1. Something you purchase. The Bar is absolutely FREE

2. The Bar is not spy ware, malware or any other type of malicious or unwanted softwar

The Bar is not a data house. The Bar is a private membership. You remain completely anonymou
.The Bar is not a trial download. The Bar is a FREE for Life toolbar
 The Bar is not temporary. Over 1 million hours of development has gone into creating the world of The Bar

Again, the process is simple. Visit a web page, click the ER icon to display ads, interact with ads that interest you and make money. That's it. The Bar provides 'advertising by request'. The world's most exact advertising is the most cost effective for advertisers and the most beneficial for internet users

Chick register to get bar 

login your account 

Download software and set up it 

After register see the Video


Friday, August 15, 2008

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Monday, August 11, 2008


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Friday, August 8, 2008

Earn money click and visit the website

Keys to Success in PTC/PTR Programs

1. It is highly recommended to join PTC/PTR sites that offers regular
$0.01 for every ads clicked and about 6-8 ads served daily.
Above that, direct referral commissions or multilevel referral incentive of
100% is much better. If a PTC site with these features, and gives you $0.10
earnings or higher a day, this is a highly profitable PTC program.

2. It is highly recommended to join at least 10 or more PTC sites. One
is not enough.
Here are some lists of PTC/PTR sites that you may consider. If you have
joined them already, that’s GREAT! If not, JOIN THEM NOW. Signing up is
FREE and will only take you under 10 minutes. Please click the referral link.

How do I get paid?
If you have at least $10.00 accumulated, you can click on your account balance within your stats area and it will submit your request. Currently, we only make payments via AlertPay. We will soon be using other methods of payment.

When do I get paid?
You can request for payment once you're account balance is at least $10.00. Your payment will be processed and issued via AlertPay as soon as possible. You can only request one payment at the time.

What is AlertPay?
AlertPay is the payment processing solution that we use to pay members. Your AlertPay address is the e-mail address you use to register with AlertPay. You can get a free AlertPay account at

click here

Other payment method

When I first started, I recommended the sites to some of my friends and
they joined. Unfortunately, I discovered that it is a scam site. So I need to inform
my friends to stop. Am I embarrassed? Oh, a great deal.
Therefore, before you join, check its potentials: how much it pays for every
ads clicked; how many ads does it serves; how much is referral commissions;
how much is the minimum payout; what is the payment options, and other
information like do they have a working forum, or does the admin of that site
Check the lists if you have a complete listing of what you need. If you have these,
it’s time to start.

Earnings example (based on current averages)
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70

» Your monthly earnings = $63.00

How do the work?

After open your account.

you sign in your account see the manubar or navigation where is surve ads click go there for surving every site.

you get paid to click on ads and visit websites.
The process is easy! You simply click a link and
view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You'll get paid $0.01 for each website you personally view and $0.01 for each website your referrals view.

bellow some ptc site here here here here here here here here here

The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You'll get paid $0.01 for each website you personally view and $0.01 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through Alert Pay. The minimum payout is $10.00. here

Earnings example (based on current averages)
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63.00 here

12. click here